How to color grayscale (or greyscale) coloring books for realistic effects.
The Power of Mandalas
A Mandala is meant to represent wholeness. It is a cosmic diagram reminding us of our place in the word, and our relation to the great oneness of infinity. The designs are made to be visually appealing. When your is mind absorbed by the beauty and intricacy of the patterns, stressful thoughts fade away and your creative mind can run free.
Even when just coloring for relaxation, it seems some of that greater significance seeps into us as we work. Perhaps that is why we find it so calming and centering to color in these lovely patterns.
Coloring Pencil & Pen Storage and Organizers
OK, so you've embarked on the delightful and relaxing pastime of coloring for adults. Maybe you've stocked up on some great sets of coloring pencils and gel pens. Some sets come with their own storage cases. Nonetheless, I promise you that you will end up with a collection of favorites and miscellany. Organizing and protecting your drawing tools is going to become an issue at some point. Fortunately, you're not the first to arrive at this problem, and there are a lot of creative solutions readily at hand.
Prismacolor pencil tutorial
This is a nice tutorial on coloring, shading and highlighting with coloring pencils. While it's not specifically about coloring books with pre-drawn designs, it will give you some great insights as to how you can add and sophistication to your coloring.
It's especially useful when you are coloring in "simple" designs with larger available spaces. If you have always thought in terms of just coloring in each area with a single color, this video will really open your eyes as to what is possible.
Products Mentioned:
Prismacolor Pencil Set
Noriss C
Swear Word Coloring Book: The Jungle Adult Coloring Book featured with Sweary Words & Animals
Art of Coloring Star Wars: 100 Images to Inspire Creativity and Relaxation (Art Therapy)
Art of Coloring Star Wars: 100 Images to Inspire Creativity and Relaxation (Art Therapy)