coloring books for grown-ups

Art of Coloring: Disney Animals: 100 Images to Inspire Creativity and Relaxation

This is another somewhat disappointing production from a studio that should be able to produce masterful coloring books. Pretty much everybody loves Disney’s animals, but these drawing don’t really do them justice.

Disney Elephants coloring pages for grownups

[/media-credit] Disney Elephants coloring pages for grownups

Some of the scenes are actually quite nice, and there is a great selection of favorite characters. However… the patterns used to fill the animals are tiny to the point of tedious, repetitious, and sometimes just weird and out of place. There’s kind of a tribal tattoo look going on much of the time. There are a number of two-page spreads, which look nice at first glance, but can be quite difficult to color into the binding area.

Disney animals adult coloring book

Disney animals adult coloring book

As with other Disney books, the overall production looks upscale, with hard board covers and foil stamping. The pages are of nice thick paper, but as with other Disney coloring books, they are printed on both sides.

Animals of Disney Adult coloring pages

Animals of Disney Adult coloring pages

Oh, and although it doesn’t affect the coloring, be forewarned that the Beast (as in Beauty of the Beast) has been labeled a villain, and a lot of customers took offence!.

Some people have raved about the book, and it does have it’s own beauty. The overall rating on Amazon is actually pretty good. But check out some sample pages and make sure you find the overall effect with the scenes and patterns to your liking. If not, but you are a Disney fan, you might be happier with the Disney Princess book, which has gotten better reviews overall.


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